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3 Simple Ways to Start Improving Your SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) may seem like magic to many people who don’t receive training in it. However, it’s not all that magical. It’s a part of marketing that seems to happen behind-the-scenes, but it still has crucial sway in search engine rankings and needs to be continuously updated. While SEO marketing is best done with the help of an expert in the field, you can actually get to work on improving your SEO without too much of a hassle! We’re here to discuss some of the ways that you as business owners can improve these numbers:

1. Start writing blogs. Blogs are a great way to put out fresh content and draw traffic to your website, but what’s so great about them when it comes to SEO? Keywords! Keywords are words and phrases that your optimal audience will be typing into a search bar, and to put it simply, you want them to be used on your site. Creating blogs about your business and on topics that may interest your ideal customers are a great way to ensure you mention the keywords that will help in a natural manner.

2. Make sure your website pages have content. Blogs are a great start, but truly, almost every page of your website should have sufficient content on it! Specifically, you’ll want your product and services pages, your about section, and any other page where you want to drive website views to have 300 words or more of copy. This may not always seem manageable, but try to ensure you explain your topics fully and include details that your customers may want to see!

3. Use links! Links are a great way to help build your website traffic, bettering navigation and conversions by simply leading your website viewers along. How do you incorporate links? Well, you can always thread in external links that take your clients from your website to another page (your social media platforms, your shop, another website you own), but what can help even more so with conversions are internal links. Internal links will take website viewers to other parts of your website (your products, their cart, your services) and draw them further in. Blogs are one of the great places to do this! For instance, when you mention a specific product, make sure you link to that product’s page! This can help quicken conversions. Links can also be powerful when used through social media, in your profiles, your Stories, and your posts, in order to drive traffic.

When you’re marketing on your own, it may be difficult to understand what you should be doing, why, and what will truly help your business find success. We’re here to help! Take a look at our other blogs for more of our expert tips (link) or we can set up marketing coaching sessions to give you one-on-one guidance. We can even take the lead for you and optimize your marketing routine for you! Let’s start with a free consultation– set yours up through our Facebook page.

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