While every website is different, and some are larger than others, we can tell you…
Adding Whimsy to Your Marketing
Marketing can make an audience’s eyes glaze over– so how do you stop this from happening? While they can be convinced with good graphics and image choices, sales, or just the right pitch to touch them on a personal level, what can really boost your marketing strategy is a whimsical touch. Adding some fun, quirky attributes to your branding can be a huge benefit to your marketing campaign!
Whether or not you’re aware of it, we’re willing to bet that you know at least a few brand slogans, mascots, jingles, or other identifying features. Many of the most popular businesses rely on these in boosting their brands and earning recognition, making many of their brand marketing tactics recognizable in most households. If you’re looking to further your name and appeal to a wider audience, adding a touch of fun in one of these ways is a good way to start!
Aside from adding a personal touch of fun directly to your brand, it’s also possible to earn attention and make your business marketing more fun through challenges, giveaways, events, and other activities! Hosting a special event on social media or in person does wonders for engagement if the event is entertaining, or there’s an appealing prize or benefit for those who participate. Gaining attention like this is usually more short-term, but if the event is ongoing or repeated enough to be recognized alongside your brand, then it can be a good addition.
Overall, a touch of fun can do wonders to make your marketing more engaging, interesting, and, overall, to earn your brand more attention. This can become a valuable aspect of your marketing campaign and can work wonders to liven up your brand. Let us help you get started! Contact i3 today and we’ll help you add a fun spin to your marketing to up your brand’s marketing game!