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5 Things to Post to Your Business’ Instagram Story
What are you posting to your business’ Instagram Story? While posting to your personal Story might include updates and fun from your daily life, it might not be as easy to understand what your business should be sharing. We’re here to help provide you with some inspiration and ideas to start incorporating!
Here are 5 things to post to your business’ Instagram Story:
1. Show your day-to-day life at work! Do this with the intention of getting your audience interested and invested in what you do! This might include explaining what your schedule looks like today, providing updates on what you’re doing throughout work hours, and sharing details that are relatable or interesting.
2. Highlight new products and services! Story views reach more of your followers than your posts do– so what a great way to share news! Try posting highlights about your newest products, services, news, and seasonal offerings to get them seen by more people.
3. Share photos and videos of you and your team at work. This can include work-in-progress updates, details about your latest projects, and more, all meant to direct interest in your work and how it’s going. It’s also fun to interact with your clients by sharing them in your Story!
4. Show your face as an extension of your business. Your audience wants to see your face– that’s the truth. Bringing a personal touch to your business’ online presence can give them a closer connection to your brand. That’s good all-around!
5. Share posts from your friends in business and things related to your field. This is a great way to share information, boost your business friends, and discuss different topics with the inspiration of others.
Ready to give these a try? We’re happy to help! We can help you get started in engaging online, whether you want some more guidance or you need hands-on help. Let’s start with a free consultation!