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5 Steps to Decide if Your Website Needs a Redesign

We hope you’ve been enjoying a great start to the year and that your marketing efforts have been performing well for you! When you want to review your strategy and work on improvements, please know that our team is here for you and ready to help you enhance your results.

Something that we’d suggest you think about going into this year is that your website may be in need of a redesign. The lifetime of an average website is only about 2-5 years, though that can vary based on technology and how your site is performing. A typical site is lucky to last past 3 years, often with the need for maintenance and regular updates.

Here are some steps we’d recommend when thinking about whether it’s time to refresh or redesign your website:

1. Think about your ideal customer.

This may have changed since your business began or your website was built! With them in mind, think about what needs they have, who they are, and what they’re like.

2. In this mindset, think about what they’re looking for from your business and what concerns they may have.

What products and services are they looking for? Which questions will they have? What will they want to know about your business? Can you tell them something special about your business?

3. Review your site with a fresh set of eyes.

Consider whether their concerns are met. Are you answering all of their questions? Can they easily find information about the products and services they want? Does your website share what makes your business unique? You’ll also want to consider whether your design will be appealing to your ideal customer or not!

4. Invite other people to review your website, as well.

This is the best way to get a fresh perspective, since you know your business best! Ask some of your friends, family, and current clients what they think about your website, if it’s easy to use and find what they’re looking for, if they enjoy it, and if it feels like your business.

5. You’ll also want to consider a technology assessment.

This one might be best done by a marketing expert, like someone on our team! Do your pages load quickly? How does your website look on mobile platforms? Has your website been preforming well with search engines? Ideally, all of these technological aspects will get updated from time to time!

If you have any questions about why we think it’s time to consider a website refresh or redesign, we’re happy to talk with you about how we can make improvements. We’d love to help your website get better results for you and your business. Let’s set up a time to chat!

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