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Website Metrics For Business Owners: Site Search

This week’s metric will be the ever-important Site Search!

Site search is the search that happens within your website. It tracks the keywords or keyword phrases people are searching for directly on your site, via your internal site search.

There are many reasons why analyzing your site search is important. Is there specific content or products that are difficult to find? Are your visitors having to use the search because the page they are looking for is not easily accessible? Or perhaps there is a particular product that they need, but they don’t want to browse through your navigation.

Analyzing this can help you determine if you are using the naming convention that your visitors are expecting. Perhaps you have a product called “Widget Green”, but your visitors are searching for “dark green widgets.” Ensure your internal search returns the product your visitors want to purchase. If not, you might lose a sale!

i3 can help you analyze your site search keywords. We can also help you set up internal site search if you’re not currently using this critical feature.

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