There are so many marketing myths being spread that it's no wonder it confuses people. Everyone…
Top Four Reasons to Choose a Boutique Marketing Agency
When looking for a marketing company to fulfill your needs, it may be tempting to reach out to a huge, well-known marketing agency. Many are familiar names, work with big brands, and have an overall established appeal. However, it can be in your best interest to instead seek the assistance of a smaller boutique agency. While large marketing agencies do have their perks, a smaller company often allows for more flexibility, a specialized approach, a lower price tag, and more passion in the work that’s done.
Larger companies mean larger bureaucracies. The leadership becomes even busier and harder to reach, and the structure is so set in stone that it’s difficult for them to change rapidly. With marketing being an ever-evolving and thriving field, this presents the issue that they can often take some time to catch up to the current trends. There is also little flexibility when it comes to altering your strategy or requesting more individualized approaches, as they can’t often shift directions or alter standard strategies by much. A small boutique agency is more fluid in its ability to take on new trends nearly immediately as they recognize them, the smaller number of employees allow quick decisions by leadership and flexibility for individuality, as communication is so much smoother.
One advantage to larger agencies is that they offer a widespread, more standardized approach. You can receive expertise in various aspects of marketing, and will at least partially match strategies with other similar companies. However, the flaw here is the lack of the specialization that larger marketing companies often fall victim to. Boutique agencies often have areas of thorough specialization based on their employees, which means that they can outshine the narrow, wide-spread areas of knowledge large companies offer. By focusing on fewer aspects, boutique agencies are often far stronger in the areas they choose.
Let’s face it– price also matters. When it comes to large agencies, they expect a hefty paycheck. The overhead costs for their basic services will nearly always tower over that of a boutique agency’s. Consider saving the money and focusing instead on expanding your business, which should be a priority anyways.
Another standout aspect of boutique agencies – and smaller businesses, in general – is that more passion often goes into their work. When working for big companies, it sometimes happens that employees feel less attached to their work, and therefore, care less about what they’re doing. Alternatively, they may feel underappreciated as their presence isn’t always immediately crucial to a project. For boutique agencies, it’s common that every person is an integral part of the marketing efforts and they’re often highly involved in most parts of the process. This connection to their work and the high value placed on them means they generally care more and will put more passion into what they’re doing.
At i3, we put our hearts into our service. As a smaller boutique agency, we strive to provide flexibility by individualizing the experience our clients get out of our work. Our collective years of expertise makes us specialists in several fields, which we focus on instead of sticking to a weaker overall approach. We love what we do, and we’re happy to talk about what differences we can make for you. Contact us today for more information.