So, you want to track your results on social media. Analytics are a great way…
How to Gain More REAL Instagram Followers
If you’ve been using social media for a while, you’re probably pretty familiar with ‘get Instagram followers fast’ schemes. We’re not here to suggest those to you.
We’re here to share our best tips for growing on Instagram organically, finding more REAL Instagram followers and achieving your business goals through the platform. These strategies are meant to help you reach and connect with people who are genuinely interested in your brand, as well as engage your current audience. Here are some techniques we’d recommend giving a try:
1. Schedule your posts in advance.
One of the top pieces of advice we can give you to find success on social media is posting consistently. How do you achieve this as a busy professional? Through scheduling! Some social media platforms offer scheduling tools to help you make staying consistent easier.
2. Share user-generated content.
Have your clients ever shared posts with you tagged in them? Do you see your clients taking photos while they’re at your business? Use this to your advantage! Ask your clients to re-share the content they create about your business from your page. This can be as simple as sharing their posts to your Story, but you can do even better by asking their permission to use their photos and videos to post on your page.
3. Write shareable captions.
What would your audience want to share with their friends? What can you post to teach or inspire them? Take some time to write captions with these thoughts in mind! Better yet, you can keep an eye on what kind of content your ideal clients are sharing to see how you can create related content.
4. Embrace trending content.
What is the ‘next big thing’ this week? While the newest feature, audio, or post type doesn’t need to take over your whole strategy, it can pay off to begin utilizing it. Instagram has a history of favoring content that utilizes its trends!
5. Host Instagram Lives!
Better yet, set up a schedule of when you’ll host Instagram Lives and advertise the topic and time of these sessions before hand to gain interest. You can even set up a countdown that your audience can subscribe to so that they’ll be notified before the Live starts! This is a great way to garner direct engagement with you and your brand.
These ideas are curated to help you spark growth, but it’s important to know that nurturing a strategy that works for your business usually takes time. No one list item will help your social media page take off overnight– at least, the probability of that is low.
Instead, you should utilize these strategies two or three at a time to see what works and what doesn’t. Then, change it up and keep trying new things until you start to see the Instagram followers and growth you’re looking for. We’re here to help! Let’s get started talking about social media marketing with a free consultation.