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7 Steps to Find the Right Name for Your Business

Naming your business is crucial! Not only will your business’ name be crucial for first impressions, but it will also have a lasting impact on your business for years to come. The name you choose may influence your potential clients, help direct your branding, or personify something special about your business.

Here are some steps we recommend going through as you decide what to name your business:

1. Avoid difficult names. “Difficult” might sound vague, but here’s what we mean: anything that may be hard to say, spell, or remember. Pick a name that your audience will easily be able to understand and hold onto.

2. Don’t pick a name that might limit your business. Instead of naming your business based on one specific service, leave there to be some room for interpretation. For example, if you use ‘virtual classes’ in your business name, it will seem clear that your business only works with virtual classes. That may be okay to begin with, however, you may eventually want to host classes in-person.

3. Search through business names that are already in use. Not only is this great as a source of inspiration, but it’s also important to ensure the business name you’re thinking of isn’t already in use. You’ll also need to check that the name is free for trademark purposes as well as avoiding similarity with the names of other registered businesses. Similarly, you’ll want to check that the domain name for your business’ potential website is also free.

4. Pick a name that relays meaning. The business name you choose should convey some sort of meaning, whether it relates directly to your industry or more personally to you.

5. Consider whether the name is catchy. This is based on personal preference, but you’ll be saying your business name a lot– make sure you like the sound of it!

6. Ask for feedback on the name. What sounds good to you may sound bad, misleading, or just plain weird to someone else. Take some time to ask different people what they think of the name or names you’re considering.

7. Pick a name that you love. Perhaps the most important part of picking a name for your business is making sure that you’re happy with it. Your new business is going to become your passion, so you’d best name it something you love.

Starting up a new business can take a lot of work! From the brainstorming phase, through identity and branding creation, to getting started with a website and other marketing platforms, you’ve got a long and rewarding journey ahead of you.

We’d be happy to help! Our team of marketing experts offer custom marketing solutions to help businesses of all shapes and sizes succeed. We’re happy to help you get started with choosing a name and creating branding that perfectly suits you and your new business. Get in touch with us to set up a free consultation.

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