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How to Repair Your Business’ Online Reputation in 3 Steps

Protecting your business’ reputation is vital to being successful. This is especially true online, where a potential customers’ first impression of you may forever change the way they think of you and your business. If they’re seeing negative reviews, comments, and feedback on your goods and services, then there’s a decent chance that you’ll lose that customer. However, negativity online cannot always be helped. Regardless of your industry or customer base, there are bound to be the occasional displeased customer and you can’t stop them from saying whatever they’d like online. What you can do, though, is work to repair your online reputation! Check out these steps below for some ways to start turning your image around after something negative has come up:

1 – Apologize – Sometimes, the best way to approach a negative comment is to apologize for what has gone wrong. A formal, timely apology posted beneath a negative review can do wonders to show accountability, care, and professional integrity. When a viewer reads the negative comment, they can then see your explanation, apology, and understand that the poor comment has been taken into consideration.

2 – Work on SEO and Content Marketing – Even if others are posting bad points about your business online, you can work to put out more good, quality content to combat it! Showing that there’s more to your business and that you can prove helpful and insightful despite someone’s opinion means that potential customers will have more to focus on aside from the negative reviews. ‘Wow’ them instead with how frequently you publish helpful, industry-related content! Make your business known for what you actually stand for.

3 – Put a Stop to Future Offense – If there was a clear cause for the poor review, then ensure that it’s ceased! If you had posted something offensive, if a customer was confused by your website, or even if they were upset they weren’t greeted at your storefront, then it’s time to take that feedback into action. Impress the people that seemed disappointed by not only responding to their qualm, but by turning it around into a business improvement.

No matter what form the negative feedback takes, any poor reviews or comments online can cause you to miss out on potential customers. Work to avoid this with these steps, protecting your image by combatting the problem and responding to the source with a professional attitude. If you need hep managing or repairing your own online reputation, then contact i3 today!

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