It's probably no surprise that digital commerce is at an all-time high. Technology is always…
How Small Businesses can Mirror Celebrity Endorsements
We’ve all seen marketing using celebrities– through commercials, ads, and more. This strategy has been used for decades, letting big brand benefit off of the popularity of major stars. Well, these celebrity endorsements have become even more woven into marketing culture through social media and influencers, who often rise to fame through their personalities and huge fan bases.
Not only this, but celebrity endorsements have become even more popular in recent times. You may see these on a daily basis, between celebrity social media posts, brands built to feature certain stars, and even products made to highlight celebrities. There are even limited-time meals at McDonald’s doing this!
Without the budget and reach to hire major celebrities or influencers to market your products, how can small businesses benefit from the popularity of this? We have a few suggestions!
1. Collaborate with another local business!
What other businesses do your clients enjoy? What other local brand has the same demographic as you? Do you have friends in business you’d like to work with? Pitch a collaboration with another local business to release a limited-time product, themed special, or even a shared discount.
2. Microinfluencers won’t break the budget the way a celebrity one will– reach out to locals with good follower counts! The numbers don’t need to be crazy, but if your business social media pages only have a few hundred followers, then paying a local influencer that has 1,000s of followers to promote your product can have a big impact.
3. Talk to local celebrities, invite them to your business, and consider paying them to sponsor you. Who might be considered a local celebrity? This will depend on your community, but you may think of people like mayors, college athletes, city council members, newscasters, journalists, owners of iconic local businesses, and more!
4. Ask your customers!
While asking someone to help spread the word about your business may seem like a simple task, the results can be incredible! When your clients leave a review, tag you on social media, or even post pictures at your business, you’ll reap the benefits of having genuine referrals.
If you’re looking to benefit from the same marketing strategies that big businesses are using, you’re in luck! This isn’t the only type of strategy that you can utilize for your own business. Continue drawing inspiration from what you see daily, then translate it into what you can visualize for your own business. Our team would love to help! Let’s set up a free consultation.