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How to Engage as Your Business on Social Media
We’re here to talk about engagement– and no, not the type that leads to marriage.
When we talk about social media, “engagement” refers to audience interaction with your account. This may include comments, likes, shares, Story replies, direct messages, and more!
Why are we so obsessed with it? Well, engagement can seriously improve your performance on social media.
That’s why you’ve probably noticed that the more popular a social media page is, the more comments it receives on average. However, engaging online is also a great way for your business to get noticed! That’s because when you like, share, and comment on others’ posts, you’re encouraging them to check out your page and consider doing the same.
We’d recommend taking the time to occasionally engage as your business on social media to catch the attention of your customers, potential clients, and other businesses related to your industry. How? We’d suggest these methods:
1. Comment on their pictures!
This might sound easy, but it’s not as simple as saying whatever you’re thinking. Your comments will become your brand’s social media personality, so even if you decide to be funny, you need to keep it professional to some degree. Think office humor! Feel free to use emojis, but leave out anything that’s inappropriate for mass audiences, including leaving negative comments.
2. Like, follow, and share!
Liking is simple, plus it registers as a notification for most people! Following is a great way to keep tabs on your ideal clients, learn from related businesses, and more– plus, it encourages them to do the same to you! Sharing posts is a great practice for when you’re tagged in a picture, caption, or video because it encourages your clients to continue tagging you and spreading the word. You can also share posts from other businesses you enjoy or admire, especially if they’re related to your business!
3. Slide into their DM’s!
There’s no better way to initiate a real conversation than by liking someone’s post or Story and then sending them a direct message about it. We’d recommend not using this as a sales tool, unless it makes sense. Use messaging as a way to chat and get to know your audience. They’ll naturally be more interested in choosing your business if they’re a fan of your personality! Being pushy with sales may just shoo them away.
We’d recommend you use your business’ social media pages regularly! This gives you the chance to engage online and get to know your audience, but also to get better at using these platforms. The more you interact through social media, the more natural it will feel for you to post, market your business, and continue drawing in new leads.
Want help with social media? Our team would love to chat! Let’s set up a free consultation.