Over 20 years of making an impact in our Tucson community!
22 years in business
$26,065 donated to local nonprofits
2,024 websites designed
113 logos designed
Social Circle
A place to gather & grow, be seen & heard, and feel celebrated & supported.
Social Circle Networking Group
There is power in coming together with the Social Circle networking group!
We come together to Gather & Grow, be Seen & Heard, and feel Celebrated & Supported. Being successful in your professional life does not have to be lonely and isolating. This is where the Social Circle networking group comes in:
GATHER: sessions have a speaker, discussion topic, or mastermind. In addition, we will be:
- offering ways to give back to our community by supporting nonprofits
- planning social events
- participating in co-working accountability sessions
- sharing member events
GROW: Through our sessions, we will be learning new skills from our speakers, improving our marketing skills, gaining referrals, and learning to represent your business in a way that others will understand.
SEEN: You and your business will be seen in sessions, where you can ask questions and online, where other members will share about you on social media.
HEARD: We create a room that is truly listening to you and thinking about how we can help your business.
CELEBRATED: Each session, you have the opportunity to share something good that happened for your business.
SUPPORT: Support comes in many forms. This includes:
- co-working opportunities with fellow members to work virtually or in-person
- networking challenges to help our introverts be more assertive
- discounted marketing workshops from i3 Media Solutions
- sharing member events in the private group
- sharing our goals and having monthly check-ins
- social media engagement
When a Social Circle member shares about another member, it is a recommendation that feels authentic, because it is. The message stands out and can have much more impact than an ad.
Social Circle includes:
- Closed Facebook group: This group is made for members to request help, with professionals standing by to answer their questions and provide guidance.
- Member discount: Members can attend any i3 Media Solutions workshop for only $10!
- The opportunity to share: All Social Circle networking group members get the chance to share during the sessions and are encouraged to get to know each other outside of them.
- Plus, you have the i3 Media Solutions marketing team helping you by sharing ideas on authenticity, social media, and how to connect with your ideal clients.
YES! All members are invited to share. We want to tap into everyone’s skills and expertise to learn from each other. We believe that everyone is an expert at something and being able to share is one way we can all grow as professionals.
YES! We invite nonmembers to attend 2 free sessions.
Do you ever wish that you could network like a pro?
We know it can be difficult and exhausting to market yourself! We’re here to walk you through how to rock your next networking event, making the most of it without wearing yourself out.
Our Favorite Tips
What Our Clients Have To Say
I have had the pleasure of working with Frankie in her Business Breakthrough Program. She delivers an exciting and well-executed presentation along with her business partner Tabitha. They are always well-prepared and have great follow up! You will not be sad you sent your referrals to Business Breakthrough.